A Dose of Summer….

Okay, I’m baaack! πŸ™‚ I just realized I haven’t posted anything in a month. I shall blame work for that. Anyway. Why the post title though? Well, the rainy season has somewhat started in my country already but I still have shiny, pretty things to remind me of summer. Much like, Chanel’s Rouge Allure in Melodieuse.


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Review: Essence Stay Natural Concealer

Hello again. πŸ™‚ I’m here to review a product which is undoubtedly included in my Most Abused List, the Essence Stay Natural concealer.

Grubby product photo shots ahead. You have been warned. Forgive me, oh hardworking concealer. :/


I did mention this being on my Most Used and Abused List right?

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Review: Clinique Different Lipstick in Glazed Berry

Hello everyone. πŸ™‚ It’s officially the start of the rainy season in my country. Everything feels rather chill and gloomy. Also, I finally went back to work yesterday after being sick for five days. Whew. I still feel like The Walking Dead. My Mom says my eyes still haven’t got their *~sparkle~* back. LOL WHAT MOM? XDDDD


Anyway. I’ve been using this Clinique lipstick a lot lately. It’s sheer, fuss-free and I love it.

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Review: NYX Powder Blush in Desert Rose

(Retyping this post because the mobile WordPress app screwed me up. How could you do this to me WP?!!)

Ahh, NYX. A brand that has been raved about by beauty bloggers and vloggers everywhere… and with good reason. Not only are NYX products affordable, they perform well too.

Today I’m going to review one of NYX’s powder blushes in the color Desert Rose.


You see, I’ve always envied people who can achieve the “just came from winter and I’ve just shoveled snow off my porch yo!” or “just came back from the cold” flushed look. While it may seem impossible in my hotter than the core of the Earth tropical country, I’ve found the next best thing in achieving my much coveted rosy flushed cheeks in Desert Rose.

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Review: Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick in Pink in the Afternoon

Forgive me. I will babble a bit.

Honestly, I never had such a preference for pinks. My first lipstick was a red one and I’ve stuck to deep shades ever since. I do have some pinks in my stash though, but mostly they come in fuschia or some raging hot pink. I’ve tried light pink and corals too, some creamy and some sheer, but they never sat well on my lips. Instead of brightening my face, they made me look washed out.

However, I found a new love for plums and berry shades last year and purchased MAC Craving. I also decided to step out of my comfort zone and purchase a rosy pink lipstick along with it which was MAC Mehr. To my surprise, despite the color, I really did loved how it looked on me.

I guess that’s what started my love affair with pinks. I found that just like a beautiful red, there is really a perfect pink lipstick for everyone. I believe mine to be Revlon’s Pink in the Afternoon.

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Review: Apieu Magic Pore Cover Balm

Here’s the thing.. I always find Kkochipida‘s Facebook account dangerous, most especially when it’s that time of the month when she posts her glorious on sale items. I always have a raging internal battle to post “Mine!!!” on every photo. Tssk.

I usually only purchase Korean skincare products from this PH seller but I always, always, always manage to sneak in one more item that I don’t need. One such item is this, the Apieu Magic Pore Cover Balm.


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Review: Essence Stay All Day Cream Eyeshadows

Dear Maybelline Color Tattoo, you know I love you to death but I have a confession to make. I’ve been secretly in love with someone else. You were my very first cream eyeshadow, my first love. But my heart has been stolen by another. Oh, woe is me!

(insert melodramatic background music here worthy of any Pinoy drama)


And who is the culprit you may ask? It’s none other than Essence’s Stay All Day Cream Eyeshadow. Read on for my review on this awesome yet inexpensive product by the German makeup brand.

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Quick Review: Laneige BB Cushion Pore Control


I got this tiny (but very much appreciated) sample of Laneige’s newest base product, the BB Cushion Pore Control last week when I visited Laneige’s store at SM Aura. I bought the White Plus Renew Original Essence (review coming soon!) and the SA was nice enough to give me a sample of the cushion foundation.

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Review: Too Faced Pink Leopard

Wow. I am back. Haha. Talk about absolute abandonement! I’ve been very busy with work related stuff (especially now that I’ve got the much coveted red ID of our company. Claps for me, please!) mostly. But anyway, I’m not here to talk about my regularization right? I’m here to talk about a product I’ve been loving lately. It’s Too Faced Pink Leopard Illuminating Bronzer.

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Review: Bifesta Cleansing Lotion

I used to only remove my makeup by washing my face with soap. Bad habit, I know. But then again I was only a pressed powder & lipbalm kind of girl even back in college so I thought that was enough. But now that I’m having a full coverage routine and using heavier duty products a makeup remover is definitely a must.

And *drumroll* my weapon of choice isΒ Bifesta Cleansing Lotion, a Japanese water-based makeup remover.

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